
وروستی خبرونه

The Deputy Prime Minister for Political Affairs met with the Ambassador of Uzbekistan for a farewell meeting

His Excellency Mawlavi Abdul Kabir, Deputy Prime Minister for Political Affairs of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, held a farewell meeting today in Kabul with Khwaja Yadgar Shadmanov, the Ambassador of Uzbekistan.

The meeting, which took place at Sapidar Palace, commenced with Ambassador Shadmanov expressing his appreciation for the cooperation extended by the Islamic Emirate during his diplomatic mission in Afghanistan.

He emphasized the friendly and deep-rooted relations between Afghanistan and Uzbekistan.

Ambassador Shadmanov highlighted the efforts undertaken during his trip to strengthen ties between Kabul and Tashkent, underscoring the Uzbek government’s desire to expand political and economic relations with Afghanistan.

He further noted that following the visit of Uzbekistan’s Prime Minister to Afghanistan, progress has been made in implementing bilateral economic cooperation agreements.

Additionally, he announced that a forthcoming Uzbek delegation would visit Kabul to collaborate on electricity projects and the fortification of infrastructure along the Amu River.

Ambassador Shadmanov, while mentioning the upcoming appointment of the Afghan Ambassador to Tashkent, stated that Uzbekistan’s technical teams are planning to restore Afghanistan’s old industrial facilities.

His Excellency Mawlavi Abdul Kabir lauded Ambassador Shadmanov’s diplomatic contributions in improving relations between Afghanistan and Uzbekistan, and affirmed that the Islamic Emirate’s relations with Tashkent remain strong.

Mawlavi Abdul Kabir further emphasized that the Afghan government has honored its commitments and will ensure that no harm comes to neighboring countries or the international community from Afghan soil.

The Deputy Prime Minister underscored that the Islamic Emirate prioritizes constructive engagement based on an independent foreign policy and seeks to actively participate in regional economic initiatives. He also reiterated the importance of resolving issues through diplomatic dialogue.

In conclusion, H.E Mawlavi Abdul Kabir welcomed the recent remarks by Uzbekistan’s intelligence chief regarding Afghanistan and highlighted the significant progress made in Afghanistan over the past three years, particularly in curbing the cultivation, production, and trafficking of narcotics, which has been reduced to near-zero levels.