بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله الذي جعل الجهاد سبيلا لدحر الطغاة والبغاة والخوارج والمعتدين, والاعداد والرباط طريقا للعزة والغلبة والتمكين, والصلاة والسلام على المبلغ الأمين, بلغ الرسالة وأدى الأمانة وجاهد في الله حق جهاده حتى أتاه اليقين, وعلى آله وأصحابه رجال العلم والتدبير والتوكل واليقين, وبعد!
وعن أنس رضي الله عنه قال: كانَ رَسولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّمَ أَحْسَنَ النَّاسِ، وأَجْوَدَ النَّاسِ، وأَشْجَعَ النَّاسِ، قالَ: وقدْ فَزِعَ أَهْلُ المَدِينَةِ لَيْلَةً سَمِعُوا صَوْتًا، قالَ: فَتَلَقَّاهُمُ النبيُّ صَلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّمَ علَى فَرَسٍ لأبِي طَلْحَةَ عُرْيٍ، وهو مُتَقَلِّدٌ سَيْفَهُ، فَقالَ: لَمْ تُرَاعُوا، لَمْ تُرَاعُوا, ثم قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: وجدته بحرا” يعني الفرس. رواه البخاري.
Praise be to Allah. Under the rule of the Islamic centralized system, the implementation of sacred Islamic Sharia, the wise leadership of the esteemed Amir al-Mu’minin (may Allah protect him), and his special attention, compassion, and mercy towards his subjects’ security, prosperity, and well-being, Afghanistan has achieved assured security. All factors contributing to insecurity have been eliminated.
A secure environment has been established to foster economic development and improve the welfare of the Afghan population.
Sharia law is upheld, ensuring that the rights and assets both material and spiritual of all individuals, including residents, investors, or visitors involved in diverse sectors like tourism, research, journalism, or other endeavors, are comprehensively protected in Afghanistan.
To further enhance confidence, we would like to provide a brief explanation regarding the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s national security policy and the actual security situation in Afghanistan over the past 12 months:
Non-interference in the affairs of others, prohibiting the use of our territory for acts of aggression against other nations, an economy-focused approach to sustainable security and stability, enhancing regional connectivity, maintaining neutrality, safeguarding the rights of all individuals in accordance with the guidance of Islamic Sharia, recognizing the objectives of human existence and responsibilities on the earth as ordained by Allah, ensuring absolute justice, and upholding a strong dedication to general amnesty are foundational principles of the national security policy of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
Praise be to Allah. Due to the national security policy, Afghanistan enjoys comprehensive security and stability. Unfortunately, certain elements persist in their efforts to create concern regionally and globally to achieve their malicious goals.
The impact of their malicious efforts is evident in reports submitted to the United Nations Security Council and other key international organizations.
The region and the world should no longer be deceived by these attempts and should directly engage with the relevant departments of the Islamic Emirate to obtain accurate information.
By the grace of Allah and through effective struggle of the Islamic Emirate and its fulfillment of its religious responsibilities, the project of spreading corruption and disorder designed to defame Islam, Jihad, and Islamic movements has been thoroughly dismantled in Afghanistan over the past three years.
Many commanders, heads of their branches, planners, and executors of significant attacks, as well as hundreds of their members, have either been killed or captured. This includes a significant number of foreigners among those detained and deceased.
Some leaders and members of this destructive project, who fled to neighboring countries of Aghanistan after being suppressed, began regrouping with the tacit approval, tolerance, and indirect support of certain parties.
They have been provided shelter in Balochistan and certain tribal areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Training camps have been established for them, facilities for fundraising have been made available, opportunities for propaganda and recruitment from various countries have been facilitated.
We currently have credible information that they are transferring their newly recruited members from some Asian and European countries to their centers in Balochistan and certain tribal areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa via Karachi and Islamabad airports.
It is also possible that in the coming months, these individuals might be utilized to attempt attacks in different countries in the region and beyond.
In addition to other countries, Afghanistan has been and remains a primary target of this sinister and seditious project’s destructive activities.
The backers behind this scheme aim to undermine the widespread security and stability established in Afghanistan.
They seek to instill fear and terror among the people, obstruct the implementation of Islamic Sharia, hinder the prosperity and well-being of the population, and disrupt the developmental economic initiatives of the Sharia-based system.
Additionally, they attempt to deter domestic and foreign investors and companies from contributing to Afghanistan’s economic growth.
Their ultimate goal is to destabilize the sacred system established through jihad and struggle, which stands as a symbol of Islamic governance on earth.
Alhamdulillah, despite their numerous efforts, they have failed to achieve their malicious goals in Afghanistan. Over the past 12 months, most of their attacks have been thwarted.
The limited attacks they carried out involved perpetrators who were either captured or eliminated. It is important to note that all these attacks were planned outside Afghanistan, with the perpetrators entering Afghanistan under various guises to carry them out.
These attacks often involved foreign nationals, particularly from Tajikistan and Pakistan.
Furthermore, certain malicious elements, mostly fugitive criminals involved in various crimes in Afghanistan, are attempting to disrupt security from the capitals of so-called developed countries.
Most of their attacks involve roadside planters and are primarily confined to the virtual world. They have no physical presence anywhere in Afghanistan. Their online activity is limited to spreading rumors and misinformation to confuse the public.
Alhamdulillah, they lack any substantial activity or influence among the Afghan people. They have been tested by the Afghan people and have no legitimacy or roots here.
Still, our doors remain open to them. They can take advantage of the general amnesty, return to Afghanistan, and live in peace and security in their homeland.
In addition, the Islamic Emirate’s security and defense organs have achieved numerous accomplishments in various security sectors, which I would like to briefly share with you:
1. Reduction in Criminal Activities:
The Islamic Emirate’s defense, security, and intelligence agencies have made significant progress in combating crimes such as kidnappings, armed and unarmed robberies, human trafficking, smuggling of weapons, precious stones, and historical artifacts, economic and service-related sabotage, and ideological and intellectual sabotage.
Compared to the previous year, there has been a substantial reduction in all these crimes. Kidnapping networks have been dismantled and tracked to the last degree, preventing their reorganization.
Kidnapping incidents have nearly reached zero, and the percentages of other crimes have also drastically decreased. Effective measures are ongoing against other crimes, offering assurance to citizens and national traders.
2. Combatting Drug Production and Trafficking:
Continuing the enforcement of the decree of the Esteemed Amir-ul-Mu’mineen (may Allah protect him), security agencies have achieved greater success in 2024 compared to 2023 in preventing the cultivation, trafficking, and production of narcotics.
In the past 12 months, the following items were seized: 30 kg of precursor substances for drug production, 72479 grams of cannabis, 297438 grams of opium, 6763 grams of heroin, 49917 grams of methamphetamine, 200 grams of crystal, 12490 tablets of K-tablet and 784 liters of alcohol.
Without seeking any privileges or concessions from the world, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has actively combated the cultivation, production, and trafficking of narcotics with utmost sincerity as part of its faith-based duty.
Regrettably, chemicals utilized in drug processing continue to be smuggled into Afghanistan through various deceptive means from neighboring countries.
Furthermore, opium is extensively grown in regions such as Aranai, Loralai, and Gulistan in Balochistan, where Afghan refugees are employed as laborers, farmers, and processors.
This situation frequently leads to Afghanistan being falsely accused of involvement in drug cultivation and production, misleading the global community.
Efforts are also being made to smuggle these substances into Afghanistan to tarnish the Islamic Emirate’s efforts against drug cultivation, production, and trafficking, as well as casting doubt on these efforts.
We urge influential nations worldwide to recognize this reality and pressure Afghanistan’s neighbors, which serve as sources for the trafficking of chemical substances into Afghanistan for use in drug processing, as well as locations where opium is cultivated and falsely attributed to Afghanistan, or where smuggling activities are taking place.
It is essential for these nations to recognize and fulfill their responsibilities in combating drugs without exploiting it for political purposes.
3. Strengthening Border Security:
To prevent the infiltration of malicious elements, smuggling of narcotics, human trafficking, and illegal export of historical artifacts and precious stones, as well as to address all security challenges effectively, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) has paid special attention to building outposts, surveillance towers, bases, and other fortifications along its official borderlines and Durand Line. Substantial work has been done in this regard.
4. Enhancing Military Capacity:
In order to enhance the professional capabilities of security forces in safeguarding borders, responding to natural disasters, supporting security operations, and a variety of short-, medium-, and long-term training programs have been instituted.
Additionally, new educational facilities have been established to guarantee that security forces are adequately prepared for their responsibilities.
Training programs have been executed to improve the forces’ abilities in maintaining security, addressing public concerns, performing duties at official ports and airports, and protecting governmental and state facilities and individuals.
Significant progress has also been made in modernizing security operations and utilizing advancements in technology.
5. Promotion of Good and Prevention of Evil:
In accordance with divine and prophetic guidance, the preachers and accountability officials (mubaligheen and mohtasbeen) of the Islamic Emirate (IEA) have achieved significant milestones in promoting virtue, preventing wrongdoing, and implementing social reforms from an Islamic standpoint.
Numerous programs have been executed to train and enhance the capacity of preachers and accountability officers over the past year.
Furthermore, the meticulous structures for monitoring and overseeing decrees, along with the special units of the security and defense organs, have successfully prevented illegal arrests, the unlawful detainments of suspects, and all forms of physical and psychological torture, in full compliance with the decree of the esteemed Amir al-Mu’mineen (may Allah protect him).
During the previous twelve months, such occurrences have been completely eradicated, and in rare instances where violations occurred, the violators were referred to special military courts and were punished accordingly.
Furthermore, significant achievements have been made by the security and purification commissions, as well as the special units of the security and defense organs, in identifying and removing undesirable and corrupt individuals from their ranks.
Throughout the past year, a significant number of such individuals, involved in causing harm to citizens or engaging in various crimes, have been identified and removed from their positions.
6. Response to Natural Disasters:
The nation faced numerous natural disasters last year, causing significant financial and human losses. Utilizing all available resources, defense and security forces promptly responded to each incident and worked professionally to rescue affected citizens.
With the grace of Allah, they saved many lives and contributed tens of millions of Afghanis from their salaries to support affected communities, notably in provinces like Badakhshan, Takhar, Ghor, and Baghlan.
7. Implementation of Sharia and Judicial Progress:
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) prioritizes Islam and the implementation of Islamic Sharia above all else. Significant attention has been given to executing Hudood and Ta’zeer punishments.
Over the past 12 months, millions of cases have been presented to primary courts, and tens of thousands to appellate courts and review boards. More than 75% of cases at the primary level and over 90% at appellate and review levels have been resolved, with the remaining under process.
Thousands of these cases involve women’s rights, ownership, inheritance, and other issues, with over 90% addressed promptly. Hundreds of criminals have been punished through Ta’zeer, and Hudood have been applied in some cases.
We reassure our Muslim nation and the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate that all affairs will continue to be managed and executed according to the principles of Islamic Sharia. Our friendships and enmities will be guided by these principles.
We will dedicate special attention to Islamic propagation, nurturing religious institutions, and purging our ranks of undesirable individuals. We will raise our voice for every oppressed Muslim and human and will not hesitate to make sacrifices to realize the goals of our sacred struggle.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all Mujahideen who continue to protect our beloved country, enduring hardships and sacrifices.
May Allah reward you abundantly and grant you success in this world and the hereafter. Your efforts and sacrifices will remain a source of pride and honor for our nation and will be recorded in golden letters in the history of Afghanistan, serving as an inspiration for future generations.
Taking this opportunity, I sincerely thank all the Mujahideen who endure hardships and make sacrifices to defend and secure our beloved country.
May Allah reward you abundantly, accept your efforts, and grant you success in this world and the Hereafter. You are our pride and honor, your efforts and sacrifices will remain a source of pride and honor for our nation and will be recorded in golden letters in the history of Afghanistan, serving as an inspiration for future generations.