Afghan women are an integral part of society, serving as mothers, sisters, daughters, and life partners. The Islamic Emirate remains fully committed to upholding and safeguarding their rights as enshrined under Islamic Sharia law. Ensuring their dignity, honor, and Sharia-based entitlements remains a top priority.
Currently, Afghan women live in an environment of physical and mental security. Acts of violence and mistreatment against them have been effectively curbed, and no individual has the authority to violate their rights or treat them with disrespect.
The judicial bodies of the Islamic Emirate, along with relevant institutions, are duty-bound to protect women’s rights, ensure their autonomy in marital decisions, uphold their entitlements to dowry and inheritance, and maintain comprehensive legal oversight for their protection.
All fundamental rights afforded to Afghan women are upheld in strict accordance with Islamic Sharia law, as well as the cultural and traditional values of Afghan society.
However, it is essential to recognize that discussions on Afghan women’s rights must be understood within the specific context of an Islamic and Afghan society, which differs significantly from Western cultural paradigms. These distinctions must be duly acknowledged in any evaluative discourse.