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Inquiring at the usurped lands of the Hindus citizens: India has appreciated this action of the Islamic Emirate

Approximately a month ago, the Commission for Land Usurping Prevention and Restitution of Grabbed Lands advised officials in all provinces to investigate the seized lands of Hindu individuals.

Randhir Jaiswal, the spokesperson for the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, commended the actions of the Islamic Emirate, deeming it a positive development in this matter.

Concurrently, Hindu representatives in Kabul have mentioned that their land documents are currently under scrutiny by the commission, expressing optimism about reclaiming their rights.

Guljit Singh noted that general security has improved in Afghanistan, leading to the return of several Hindu Afghan families, with this trend ongoing.

The Commission for Prevention of Land Grabbing and Restitution of Grabbed Lands of the Islamic Emirate recommended a month ago for officials in all provinces to investigate the usurped lands of Hindu citizens.

To date, the Land Usurp Prevention Commission has identified approximately 25 million acres of land in the country, with two million acres successfully restored.